Nolo Contendre
Date of Birth: May 18, 2009 2011 Celebration World Futurity, Third Place, Silky Males 16 - 24 Mo.
Dam: Notesme Third place, Silky Traditional Males, 16 - 24 months, LFA World Futurity
This boy is heavy boned, super proportions, correct conformation, and striking with his super lustrous fleece and unique markings - he looks like he is wearing a jacket. All boy, he leads the pack in pestering the girls. His sister Noticia took the show ring, becoming an ALSA halter Champion in 3 shows and she was Champion Traditional Female at the LFA Futurity. Nolo seems destined to do the same. Nolo has settled his first females, expected in late Spring, 2013. Think about using Nolo in your herd to improve the genetics of your breeding program. In August, 2010, Steve and Michele Strupp, Ol' Serenity Llamas, Allenton, WI, purchased half interest in Nolo. However, our half interest is still being offered. One of the Starr Alliance Get of Sire at the 2010 & 2011 Celebration Classic and Futurity.