Sugar River Randolph
Date of Birth: May 21, 1998 Passed away March, 2012. He is greatly missed.
Sire: Sun Shaq
ALSA Elite Champion
Randolph was Ali's first show llama. His name graces many awards listings. He earned both his Nonbreeder Halter Championship and his ROM before reaching the age of two, and he just achieved his ALSA Elite Championship - only the fourth Nonbreeder in the nation to do so. He also received Champion in his respective age divisions for two years running at the ALSA Grand Nationals, a feat rarely achieved. Randolph also helped Ali earn her Ultimate Youth designation.
But showing is not the only thing we do with Randolph. He always went with us when we visit nursing homes, go hiking in the woods, walk in local parades, or just about anything else you can think of.
Above: Randolph was the only one to jump up and walk across this bridge in the pack competition at the Heartland Classic in Iowa.