Pioneer Offspring
SRLL Mulberri
SRLL Calantha She sure looks like a chip off the old block.
SRLL Chiquita, Champion Traditional Females, 2009 World Celebration, Oklahoma City. Purchased by Sherri and Will Tallmon, at the LFA Sale, 2009.
SRLL Fa`iz, retained as one of our Foundation females.
SRLL Monique is now a mom with a really tall, stretch cria of her own from Starr Alliance. She also was Grand Champion in the 2007 World Celebrity Futurity.
- 2005
 SRLL Make Your Mark, the 2005 World Celebrity Champion, Class 1 Silky/Traditonal male, now owned by Lora Crawford.
2004 - SRLL Mona went on to be the only female to win all 3 Nationals shows - LFA, Celebrity, and ALSA Grand Nationals.
   SRLL Felicity and SRLL Mariquita - the girls are as stunning as the boys.
   These are our first two Pioneer offspring from 2002. Both exhibit dense, silky fiber, heavy bone, and great conformation, not to mention show-stopping presence. All our 2002 offspring have now entered the show ring - and, placed in every class they enter. SRLL Leigh, pictured immediately to the left, has earned Reserve Grand Champion Heavy Wool at three ALSA shows. Leigh also won First Place at the LFA sponsored Badgerland Sweepstakes Futurity. The same weekend, Leigh, Felicity, and Roxs earned First Place Get-of-Sire at Badgerland Sweepstakes - and, the list goes on.