All our geldings are user-friendly and well trained. Whether you want a fiber producer, pack animal, or just a friend, these boys are for you!
It's hard to sell these boys. They become like family, after a while. We strongly believe that only the very best should be kept as future herdsires. These boys are very good, but not quite good enough. Any one of them is competitive, structurally and conformationally, in a Nonbreeder class. As pets, pack, or therapy animals, they are outstanding.
Geldings/Guard Females
All these llamas have been halter broke with beginning performance training. Most have worked with 4 - H youth, at local fairs, shows, parades, school events, or just for walks in the woods.
Each every one of these llamas comes with a Sugar River guarantee, for soundness. We stand behind our llamas. All our llamas are halter broke, and, in most cases, have been in the show ring or used in public relations, such as school visits or parades. Free delivery is available, within reason. We will provide health records for each purchase, provide health care guidelines, and demonstrate toenail clipping and haltering to all new owners. We will continue support by providing shearing and toe nail care, if requested - for our usual service fee. Grooming and showing consultations are also available. If these boys are to be used as guard llamas, we do offer advise on how to help them bond to their new herd. Most of these geldings/females have wonderful fleece.
Please note: Our pictures are rather outdated. All these photo's are showing the llamas when about one year of age - now at least two years old, or older.
Escabroso First Place, Juvenile Heavy Wool Males, Heartland Llama Show - ILR-SD
Date of Birth: August 22, 2009 2nd Place Juvenile Heavy Wool Male, 2010 Lamapalooza
Sire: LW Pioneer Reserve Champion Med/Heavy Wool Male, 2010 Lama Market (behind our own Mandarb)
Dam: Esoria Top 5 Silky Traditional Males, LFA World Futurity
An E-line offspring. Straight, 4 square, blocky, Escabroso has grown up to be a big boy! Sorry, this picture is way out of date. After much consideration, we made a tough decision. Escabroso in now a gelding.
SRLL Pthalo Blue Sold
Date of Birth: May 24, 2013
Sire: Elwood Blues Reserve Grand Champion Open Perforamance, 2014 Llama-Lympics
A light silver gray boy. Fleece is exceptionally fine. In keeping with our belief that not every male is breeding quality, Pthalo was gelded. He will be very competitive in performance, gelding, and fleece classes. First time out, with no obstacle training, just a few walks in the woods, having never worn a pack before, Pthalo earming Reserve Grand Champion in Open Performance, earning 13 ILR-SD points on his one and only time out. Imagine what he could do with a little training.
Pthalo, aka "Fluffy" because of his fine fleece, is still too young to be a guard llama, until at least Christmas time.
SRLL Pheona For Sale
Date of Birth: June 29, 2009
Pheona looks a lot like momma. She has silky, dense fleece, with high luster. We love the way she carries herself so erect to show off her correct conformation. Pheona produced the most fleece of the 2010 production.